My name is Meeta and I am a beauty addict. I think it all started when roaming the beauty halls in London during my time at college, in search of fantastical products that were going to transform my acne skin and then I got into makeup more in attempts to disguise the flaws. I used to be a bit intimidated by the SAs in stores but that changed when I got to see the other side of the counter in a previous job part-time during uni (and a bit after!) 

I am by no means a professional and do not work in the beauty industry so my ramblings are simply what I think and my personal experiences with products.
My skin is combination/acne-prone, and has been left with quite a bit of scarring from previous acne. While it has settled down somewhat these past few years I am always on the quest for products that help keep my skin in check.

I love using more natural based skincare and generally prefer this but being the beauty addict that I am I can't resist exploring what brands have to offer so find myself straying from trusted products on many occasions.

Makeup wise I like to explore but day-to-day I favour a neutral lip with more emphasis on the eyes. Nail polish is probably one of the first beauty products I got into so there may be a few more nail related posts but I hope to have a mix of everything, whether it be high end or low-end.

All products, regardless of if they are bought by me or provided without charge will be reviewed honestly - that is what I appreciate reading in other blogs.